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Website purpose

The purpose of the website is to provide useful resources related to psychology—the scientific study concerning the human mind.

“Behavior changes behavior”

Psychologist Dr. Mimi Silbert and others use the phrase “behavior changes behavior” to say that changing our habits alone can change certain habits and long-term behaviors. For many, the approach has been beneficial for personal and professional development, refinement, and wellbeing. In addition, we can consider our thinking or cognitions to be a type of behavior. Keys to change include consolidation, repetition, and practice, and are natural experiences for athletes, musicians and others who train. Knowing these facts, two broad questions arise: “What do you want to do?” and “How do you want to be?” Answering them regularly may be a productive habit for you.

“Practice makes permanent”

Rather than aiming for freedom from error in all things, expressed in the well-known phrase “practice makes perfect”, we may choose to pursue habits of 1) excellence, 2) accuracy within tolerable limits, and 3) learning from so-called mistakes and failures. A helpful phrase is “practice makes permanent”, attributed to former English football manager Bobby Robson. Practice occurs 1) in our lives, 2) through visualization, and 3) in rehearsal, and each experience can be considered a psychology workshop for us, certainly when we apply it to our general cognitions, attitudes, and behaviors.


Psychology WorkshopsTM began in Katy, Texas—west of Houston—in the autumn of 2014 among friends, and became more formalized in 2016. The website launched in late 2017 as a revision of the previous IMHARDYTM website that emphasized mental hardiness and wellbeing.

Michael Pittman, Founder & CEO


Michael currently resides in Texas. He has a background in management, consulting, and information technology.

Focus promotes happiness